
Divorce Statistics
A lot of people my age, in their 20s, do not want to get married because they are afraid of getting divorce. They have witnessed their parent’s getting divorced or seeing what their friends have gone through, which is pain and loss. Many people think that 50% of marriages end in divorce but that is not true. 26% of marriages end in divorce, that statistic is significantly less than 50%.
If you are having trouble in your marriage and think that the only way out is divorce, then you are wrong. There are so many resources to help couples stay together, like marriage and family therapy. Two years after a divorce, 70% of couples said that they could have saved their marriage. 70% is such a large amount of people who could have kept their family together and saved themselves from heart break. Also, married couples who reported being very dissatisfied ended up being very satisfied or satisfied with their marriage.
I believe that marriage is sacred and that we need to do everything in our power to keep your relationship happy and healthy. It is important to be loving, kind, and to practice good communication skills with your partner. Communication is key and both partners need to express their feelings to each other. Sometimes women tend to assume that their husbands will know if they are feeling mad or sad, but men are not like that. Wives need to express how they are feeling to their husband because if they don’t, their husband will not know how they feel. Men also can hold in their feelings and the women will have no idea until it all just blows up one day. Communication is one of the number one problems with couples who are dissatisfied in their relationship. I know that communicating your feeling can be hard sometimes, but it is vital to your relationship’s success.

Predictors vs Protectors
There are certain people in this world who are just more likely to get divorced than other people. People who are low socioeconomic status have a higher chance of divorce than people in high SES. Also people with no education are more likely to divorce because they do not have the knowledge that they would have learned in college. Young couples, ages 17-19, are more likely to get divorced than couples who get married in their late 20s-30s. But, couples who are more religious tend to stay together more often, no matter what age they marry.
I got married at 19 and I was judged and warned by friends and family that I was at a high risk of divorce and I did not know what I was doing. But, in fact, I did know what I was doing and I did realize that I was young. I met the love of my life the third week of my first semester of college and Brigham Young University-Idaho. I could not wait to get married because I wanted to start my life with the person that I love most in this world. Some of my non religious friends told me that I was going to get divorced because I am young and what if I don’t really know the person that I was about to marry. I did know my husband pretty well before we got married but I obviously got to know him on a whole new level over the past year and I wouldn’t change it for anything in the world. We get to grow up together and help one another grow into the person that we want. I am currently very satisfied with my relationship and want to keep it like that forever. I know that my husband and I will have problems down the road, but I will do everything in my power to keep us together, and that is what everybody should do, try your absolute hardest and never give up.

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